
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was sunny until late afternoon when the wind came up.  We moved our chairs off the patio to the driveway to catch the late rays.

The chef magic poured off the grill:  zucchini and yellow squash slices, shrimp, mushrooms, elk sausage, salmon….and the tables were loaded with salads, dips, olives…champagne or sangria?

Mostly the laughter.  The food and conversation was great, but the best was the laughter.

I love my family and close friends.


7 responses to “Party”

  1. I adore the picture – and your description of a fun filled day makes this a wonderful post – even if it was hard to get into a writerly space.


  2. You captured the party feeling with just a few small details.


  3. I love the description of what you ate.


  4. Same here! Party today for my dad. Brunch, my favorite foods and my dad will enjoy, I hope.


  5. Enjoying time with family and friends is the best! Especially when it’s a party! I agree with Deb, the feelings made your piece flow!


  6. Even though the writing may have been difficult, the flow, because of the feelings of the event was there. You are right–nothing better than family and close friends!


  7. Hello Lromaine brown nice post.enjoy with family


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